Silver Dollar City Rides | Every Ride at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri

Silver Dollar City Rides | Every Ride at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri

From the brand new Mystic River Falls to old favorites like Fire in the Hole, John and Amy take you on a tour of EVERY SINGLE RIDE at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri!

Check out the rides for every member of your family, from thrilling coasters to themed dark rides to more tame options.

00:00 Silver Dollar City Rides
01:03 The American Plunge
02:00 Wildfire
02:53 Powder Keg
03:12 Fire in the Hole
03:39 River Blast
04:05 Barn Swing
04:26 Hi Lo Silos
04:35 Outlaw Run
05:16 Mystic River Falls
06:37 Fireman's Landing
07:50 Grand Exposition
10:46 Flooded Mine
11:15 Frisco Silver Dollar Line
11:57 Half Dollar Holler
13:14 Time Traveler
13:43 Thunderation

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Mystic River Falls Opening! We Rode Mystic River Falls at Silver Dollar City!

Mystic River Falls Opening! We Rode Mystic River Falls at Silver Dollar City!

After striking out on our first attempt to ride Silver Dollar City's NEW RIVER RIDE, we returned the next day and rode Mystic River Falls!

This is an EPIC new addition to Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri and the attraction should be open to the public very soon!

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Mystic River Falls and Silver Dollar City Updates!

Mystic River Falls and Silver Dollar City Updates!

Mystic River Falls at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri is getting VERY CLOSE to opening!

You can take a look at this exciting new Silver Dollar City river ride both from the train and at Fireman's Landing.

John also takes you around the park and shares info and updates.

#silverdollarcity #mysticriverfalls #branson #travel #vlog #trips #vacation

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Silver Dollar City | Is it WORTH IT to visit? Masks, changes and more in 2020

Silver Dollar City | Is it WORTH IT to visit? Masks, changes and more in 2020

John and Amy take you on a tour of Silver Dollar City and help answer the question, “is it worth it.”

With various requirements, restrictions, closures and changes, is it worth it to visit Silver Dollar City right now?

Branson, Missouri is opening and tourists are coming. Silver Dollar City is a primary driver of tourism in Branson and they are doing a remarkable job of providing phenomenal experiences for their guests in a safe environment.

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Silver Dollar City | Opening Day 2020 | Full Park Tour!

Silver Dollar City | Opening Day 2020 | Full Park Tour!

John and Amy take you on a tour of the entire park. Experience opening day 2020 at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri.

They show you what's open, what's different and what's coming to Silver Dollar City (hint: Mystic River Falls) in 2020!

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Silver Dollar City Opening 2020! Big Announcement!

Silver Dollar City Opening 2020! Big Announcement!

Silver Dollar City, White Water and the Showboat Branson Belle are OPENING for the 2020 season in Branson, Missouri!

John and Amy share the opening dates, updates on restrictions and a discussion on what to expect.

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Silver Dollar City 2020 | Huge Changes Coming When SDC Reopens?

Silver Dollar City 2020 | Huge Changes Coming When SDC Reopens?

From rides to shows to shops to restaurants, Silver Dollar City is sure to look and feel a lot different when it reopens this summer.

John shares some predictions and news regarding the reopening of theme parks and amusement parks, specifically focusing on Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri.

Huge changes are most likely coming to SDC. Just what will the park experience be? How will rides be affected? Roller coasters, Fire in the Hole, the Flooded Mine and all of the others may have some new restrictions. Don't forget about the brand new Mystic River Falls!

What about the shows? Silver Dollar City has amazing shows and they are almost always packed. It will be interesting to see how it changes when the park reopens!

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Branson 2020 | Branson, Missouri is Opening for the Season!

Branson 2020 | Branson, Missouri is Opening for the Season!

Branson, Missouri is starting to OPEN for the 2020 season…and it brought Amy to tears…TWICE!

John and Amy take you on a tour of the Strip and downtown Branson to see what is now open after the city has relaxed many of the restrictions.

They check out Wonderworks, the Promised Land Zoo, shows, restaurants, Dick's 5 & 10, shops, attractions and other areas of interest.

Larger attractions such as Silver Dollar City, White Water and the Titanic Museum haven't revealed their opening dates quite yet.

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Silver Dollar City Update | Delayed Opening | Closed to Start 2020 Season

Silver Dollar City Update | Delayed Opening | Closed to Start 2020 Season

Due to the current events in our nation, theme parks and amusement parks all over the nation have closed including Disney World, Dollywood, Universal Studios and, right here in Branson, Missouri, Silver Dollar City.

John and Amy live in Branson and they are sharing the up to the minute info about what's open and what's closed to start the 2020 season.

They discuss restaurants, attractions, shows and more!

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Best Silver Dollar City Rides? Rube Dugan’s Diving Bell | All Time Favorite Ride

Best Silver Dollar City Rides? Rube Dugan's Diving Bell | All Time Favorite Ride

A brand new EPIC book by Mark Kumming titled Rube Dugan's Diving Bell, A History & Memoir of a Beloved “Lost” Silver Dollar City Attraction, was just released on Amazon!

John and Amy talk about this amazing ride and share some pictures and fun facts. John remembers this ride from his childhood and it is his all time favorite Silver Dollar City ride!

Rube Dugan's Diving Bell was replaced by the Lost River of the Ozarks which is now being replaced this year, in the summer of 2020, by Mystic River Falls.

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