Posts Tagged ‘don’s family vacations’
10 Reasons YOU Might Be A Cruise Snob | Rude, Bad Cruise Passengers
10 Reasons YOU Might Be A Cruise Snob | Rude, Bad Cruise Passengers
Is it a ship or a boat? Are you a snob if you are triggered when someone calls it a boat? What about formal night? Different cruise classes? How do you handle kids on cruises? Is it possible you are a cruise snob?
Amy actually admits to being a cruise snob in one specific area. Sad but true.
Rude cruise passengers abound and we want to help prepare you for the many different types of rude, bad and snobby cruise ship passengers! If you are going on your first cruise, you definitely want to watch this and prepare!
And, if you are a cruise snob, we'd like to help you admit your problem and seek help!
Of course, this is all in fun, but what do you think? What are your experiences with rude cruisers? Is it possible you are a cruise snob?
#cruise #firstcruise #rude #snob #travel #vlog #trips #vacation
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TPF! Travel Adventures: Trips, Places and FUN! John and Amy share tips and ideas on how to have fun and exciting travel adventures!
TPF! Travel Adventures regularly highlights attractions in Branson, Missouri, Orlando, Florida along with cruises and many other travel destinations!